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Dicţionar englez-român

Romanian-English translation for: A.D.
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Dictionary Romanian English: A D

Translation 1 - 50 of 4499  >>

NOUN   a D | Ds
SYNO   A.D. | AD | anno Domini
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Partial Matches
A implică B.A involves B.
de-a latul {prep}across
de-a lungul {prep}along
de-a dreptul {adv}downright
a douăsprezecea {adj}dozenth
a unsprezecea {adj}eleventh <11th>
a cincea {adj}fifth <5th>
a patra {adj}fourth <4th>
a milioana {adj}millionth <1000000th>
cineva a găsitsb. found
cineva a inventatsb. invented
cineva a presupussb. supposed
a fostsb./sth. was
a șaptea {adj}seventh <7th>
a lor {pron}theirs
a mia {adj}thousandth <1000th>
vis-a-vis de cineva {prep}towards sb.
a douăsprezecea {adj}twelfth <12th>
a douăzecea {adj}twentieth <20th>
fără a opune rezistență {adv}unresistingly
a cui {pron}whose
a acceleraaccelerate
a puteacan
Unverified a trata umilitordebase
Unverified a trata umilitordemean
a trebuimust [obligation, have to]
a abandonato abandon
a părăsito abandon
a abandona pe cineva/ceva [a lăsa la nevoie]to abandon sb./sth.
a umilito abase
a jenato abash
a face de rușineto abash
a abateto abate
a diminuato abate
a domolito abate
a slăbito abate
a abreviato abbreviate
a rezumato abbreviate
a abdicato abdicate
a răpito abduct
a detestato abhor
a abolito abolish
med. a avortato abort
a abreviato abridge
a abrogato abrogate
a absolvi [a scuti de o obligație]to absolve
Unverified a absorbito absorb
spec. a abstractizato abstract
a acceptato accept
a intra [într-o încăpere]to access [a room]
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